I am very process driven. i am quite self indulgent with my work, and ive learnt this is ok in some respects. Ive learnt its important to WORK TO YOUR STRENGTHS, "big-up" what you have, NOT WHAT YOU DONT HAVE. ive been terrified this would be to my disadvantage, not necessarily so, ive received some very encouraging feedback/employment due to my personal pursuits and way of approaching projects.
this isnt to say im closed to something outside of the print studio, not in the slightest. im much happier with something i can see,hold,smell i can udnerstand it and manipulate it to a far more interesting effect than on a computer.
the other thing ive learnt is many more skills on the computer. my confidence has grown with this tool.and im incredibly happy about not just that, but how alot of the workshops and projects and ecouragement has directly fed into what i want and aim for with my work and style.
one thing i wish to bring up in my end of year tutorial is this, what should i do, what self inititated projects should i look at? what do you recommend i do?look at for employment? etc etc
and i think the most imperitive lesson ive learnt, and is one i knew when i came to the course, but am reminded of it daily ;is time and utter lack of it.each and every minuite of my time here must be utilised and made the most of and i really wan to do this for next year which will most likely be my final year.i will never have enough time, even if i spent my life experimenting, learning everything i wish to learn and find out
ive come away from the first feeling delighted, encouraged,energised,excited and cant wait to explore and learn more.
briefly about the show, i spent the evening [an day!]have the most graphic design evening helping out with a very clever little street art projects around east london-i love this area so much-and thursday night turns out to be brilliant round this area!!
this artist 'aiko' ive seen before, and has worked with 'faile' ITS THIS WORK LIKE THIS I CANT GET ENOUGH OF AND WOULD LIKE TO WORK TOWARDS/INTEGRATE WITH MY OWN.
again, its this hand made, edgy collagy style that i find so exciting and modern.and just visually pleasing. i couldnt make a post soley on what inspires me theres so much, but something like this is very much up my street and i look forward to see what i can produce in the three week of undisturbed self intiated/and open brief work i aim to produce in the print studio after the hand in!
wicked collages.